2019 Annual Report

Together We Make a Difference

2019 reminded me that the impact and effectiveness of Green Foothills is only possible because thousands of people unite in support of our mission and vision. Year after year, you donate, you sign petitions, you hold signs at rallies, and you speak at city council meetings. Together we are a powerful voice for the land, for the waters, and for the wildlife that surround us. This Annual Report highlights what we accomplished together in 2019. You will also find statements from three fellow members who share why they are proud members of your Green Foothills community.

We are primed for a big year in 2020 and I’m excited thinking of what we will achieve together. Scroll down to read more or view the PDF here. Support our work by making a donation today.

We advocated on 28 issues in 2019. From small parks to proposed projects that would impact our entire region, we gave a voice to the most at-risk habitats. This map illustrates the range of our work.

What Our Members Say

“Environmental advocacy groups have earned a reputation as important allies to Indigenous Peoples. We share a deep respect for our natural world and recognize the importance of keeping our lands protected and healthy. My Tribe is partnering with Green Foothills for Coyote Valley and Juristac, our most sacred site, and we believe it is integral to have a strong support network to protect our ancestral lands. Although we continue to face difficulties reconnecting with our lands and are challenged by historic trauma, Green Foothills’ work to protect Popeloutchom, the lands we belong to, supports the hope that Tribal youth have for our future. Our strong relationship allows Tribal youth such as myself to have hope for the future. The protection of our open spaces will serve people today and many generations in the future.”

⁠—Alexii Sigona, member since 2019 | Member of the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band

“I am proud to stand united with all of the members of Green Foothills. Together we fight for environmental protections that all species, including humans, depend upon for survival. If we allow this backsliding of environmental protections to continue, generations to come – including my own granddaughter and her future children – will struggle to exist on an earth filled with dirty and toxic air and water, incinerated forests, and flooded lowlands. Is this the legacy we want for them? To paraphrase the incredible Greta Thunberg: The eyes of future generations are upon us, and if we choose to fail our youth, they will never forgive us.”

⁠—Joan Baez, member since 2008 | Activist, singer, songwriter, inductee of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

“I support Green Foothills because of the passion, courage, and persistence they bring to defend our local environment for future generations. The advocacy team at Green Foothills is one of the best kept secrets in the region and should be an inspiration to all of us. They have protected our coast, bay, forests, hillsides, and farmlands for over half a century. I am proud and honored to be a supporter – along with many others – of this incredible organization.”

⁠—Joe Cotchett, member since 2001 | Famed Trial Lawyer

Our Impact

2019 By the Numbers


Acres Saved from Inappropriate Development


Land Use Issues

monitored, commented, and advocated on


Local Changemakers

graduated from our Community Advocates Leadership Academy


Volunteer Hours


People Engaged in Our Events


Signatures on 4 Petitions


Comment Letters Sent

in response to 18 Action Alerts



on our email action alert list, up from 11,514


People on Our Protect Coyote Valley List

up from 4,806


Household Members


Household Members Recruited in 2019

Income and Expenses

April 1, 2018 – March 31, 2019

Total Income: $1,375,172

Green Foothills saw an increase in revenue from individual contributions and a significant one-time bequest.

Total Expenses: $997,193

Green Foothills spends a high percentage directly on programs.

Net Assets: $1,005,853

Unrestricted, Undesignated…………$836,862
Unrestricted, Board Designated……..$60,233
Temporarily Restricted………………$108,758

Donor List

Stegner Giving Circle ($500+)

Steve and Carlene Abbors
Jeff and Sharon Allyn
Larry and Liv Ames
John and Marlene Arnold
Joan Baez
Marilyn and William Bauriedel
Kaia Eakin and Bryan Beck
Steve Beck and Jane Baxter
David Beck and Debra Robins
Barbara Bessey
Steve Betando
Peter Bjorklund
Steve Blank and Alison Elliott
Norma Jean Bodey Galiher
Stephen J. Boles
Craig Britton and Carleen Bruins
Allan and Marilyn Brown
Sherry Brown
Phyllis M. Browning
Linda Brownrigg
Michael Brownrigg
Susan Bryan and Frank Adams
Corrine Bucher
Elizabeth Buchner
Matthew Burrows
Richard and Victoria Burt
Paul and Dianne M Busse
Jo-Ann and Rod Sockolov
Cathy Campbell and Bruce A Eliashof
Brian Carr
Helen and Dan Chapman
Patricia Cherry
Betsy Clebsch
Martha Cohn
Donna and Eric Colson
Joseph Cotchett
Constance Crawford
James “Jack” Daulton and Roz Ho
Gordon and Carolyn Davidson
Paul Davis and Jade Thuma
Beth DeAtley
Rachel Del Monte
Michael and Romelia Delay
Ranae DeSantis
Dale Djerassi
Mary and Bob Dodge
Michelle Domocol
Ken A Dow and Angela Mark
Paul and Maureen Draper
Nancy S. Drapkin
Renate Dykamn
Francesca Eastman and Ed Goodstein
Edith and Jonathan Eddy
Linda and Jerome Elkind
Stephen Emami
Sandy Emerson
Len Erickson

Barbara Erny
Ron Erskine
Nancy Federspiel
Joan Finnigan and Mark Matteucci
Mark and Lisa Fischer-Colbrie
Rob and Susan Flint
Audrey Freeman
Judith and Monty Frost
Josue Garcia
Linda Gass and Rob Steiner
Charles and Nancy Geschke
Lucille Glassman and Phillip Harter
Kit Gordon
John and Mariam Graham
Matthew Seth Greenberg
Jane G Greenfield
Herb and Norma Grench
Michael Gross
Bill and Nancy Grove
Ruth and Ben Hammett
William Harris
Richard Harris
James Haskell and Susanna Vartanian
Larry and Penny Hassett
Jerry Hearn and Rebecca Reynolds
Gary and Patricia Hedden
Senator Jerry Hill
Lynn Hollyn
Sudhanshu and Lori Jain
Councilmember Sergio Jimenez
Franklin P. Johnson, Jr. and Catherine Johnson
Steve and Karla Jurvetson
Gail Kaiser and Mark Anderton
Alice Kaufman and Scot Griffin
Steven King
Yoriko Kishimoto and Leland Collins
Larry Klein and Milbrey McLaughlin
Diana Koin
William and Katherine Korbholz
Anne Kortlander and Judy Horst
Peter Kunstadter
Melissa and Jim Lane
Susan Lang and Robert Levenson
Patricia Larkin
Peter and Sue LaTourrette
Jeffrey and Maureen LaTourrette
Jody and Roger Lawler
Richard Leask and Barbara Means
Michelle Lieberman and Gal Mariansky
Linda and Sid Liebes
Peter and Beverly Lipman
Mrs. Valerie London
Henry and Karen Lowman
Tor and Nancy Lund
Theresa and Joseph McClintock
Andrea Mackenzie

Margaret and Jamis MacNiven
Mary Malmgren
Christopher Manning and Laura Salcido
John and Valerie Metcalfe
Joyce Milligan
Maryann Moise Derwin
Michael and Erin Monroe
Dean Morton
Kevin Mullin
Lisa and Edward Munro
Leslie and Hy Murveit
Jean and Greg Myers
Keet and Nancy Nerhan
Paul and Antje Newhagen
Camille Nguyen
Liz and Gary Nielsen
Nanci E. Nishimura
Brad and Judy O’Brien
Steve Oliver
Robin McKnight and Allen Olivo
Al and Char Ortiz
George, Jane, and Martin Packard
Sonja Hoel Perkins and Jonathan Perkins
David Perrone and Jocelyn Davis-Perrone
Daniel and Helen Quinn
William Reller
Emily Renzel
Nancy Reyering and Marty Walker
Dave and Shelley Richanbach
Eric Richert and Sandy Sloan
David Ritson
Sarah and Doug Rivers
Robert and Elisabeth Rix
Lennie and Mike Roberts
Jessica Rose Agramonte and
James Principato
Susan Rosenberg
Elizabeth Boardman Ross
Lisa Ryan
Ricardo and Paloma Samaniego
Katie Sanborn and Barbara Wright
Roberta Saxon and Mike Sasnett
Mary Anne Sayler
Margaret Schink
Brian Schmidt and Karen Coppock
Jeff Segall and Helen He
Harold Segelstad
Margo Sensenbrenner
Nancy and Greg Serrurier
Wei-Ken Seto
Lubab Sheet and Jonathan Davis
Joan Sherlock
Peter and Diane Siemens
Supervisor Joe Simitian and Mary Hughes
Ed Carter and Kathryn Slater Carter
Alice Smith


Sharon and Clinton Snyder
Mary Spangler
Congresswoman Jackie Speier
Phyllis Stevenson
Hartono Sutanto and Tom Myers
Diane Talbert and Rodger Rickard
Nancy Teater and Richard Johnsson
Maxine Terner and Keith Weber
Diane Toby
Carolyn Tognetti
Charlie Tomberg
Timothy Tosta
Rose G Tribble
Kristen Tsukushi
Jessica Vernon
Nancy and Ted Vian
Joe and Jamie Wang
Terry Watt and Mark Karwowski
Laura Wells
Mariquita West
Jan and Bill Whitmer
James Wickett and Magdalena Yesil
Ryan Wilmot
Rosa Wong and Chie Truong
Ciddy Wordell
Tanya Yurovsky

American Endowment Foundation
American Leadership Forum
Boston Private Bank
Brandenburg Family Foundation
Bright Funds Foundation
County of San Mateo Health System
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Facebook, Inc.
Friends of Edgewood Natural Preserve
Google, Inc
Greenbelt Alliance
Knight Foundation
Lam Research Foundation
Law Offices of Cotchett, Pitre and McCarthy
The Mary & Robert Dodge Charitable Fund
Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District
Pacific Gas and Electric- San Mateo County
Peninsula Open Space Trust
Ridge Vineyards
ROEM Corporation
Santa Clara County Residents for Responsible Development
Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority
Shute, Mihaly, and Weinberger LLP
SRT Consultants
Valley Water
Zanker Recycling
Winedot Foundation

Donor List

Sustaining Members

Laurie Alaimo
Pegeen Brosnan
Stacy Dever Levy
Mary Freeman Dove
Swanee Edwards
Nancy Federspiel
Rani Fischer
Jacqueline Gamaza
Mark Gion

Peggy Hennessee
Anne Hinckle
Jan Hintermeister
Marian Kelly
Juliet Lefevre
Sally Lieber
Esther Litton
Alisa and Neil MacAvoy
Mary Malmgren

Stephan and Andrea Meyer Ewald
Jo Ann Marie Miller
Kevin Olson
Martin Packard
Wendy Page
Richard Payne
Lauren Polash
Sue Prichard


Kent Redmon
Linda Schuck and Jim Robbins
Jane Scribner
Ida Sim
Kirk Vartan and Marguerite Lee
Veronika Vostinak
Michael Will
Kathryn Zeidenstein

Donor List

In Memory Of

Pia Kraus Aitken
Mary Davey
Gael Erickson
Thomas Espersen

Gary Gerard
Mariam Graham
Suzanne Hassid
Lois Crozier Hogle

David A. London, MD
Lisa Pearson
Howard Schapman
Wallace Stegner

Thelma D Sullivan
Mary and Tom Todaro
Ruth Waldhauer
Soloman Walker

Donor List

In Honor Of

Peter Alaimo
Nathaniel and Elizabeth Allyn
Chris and Lillian
Mary Jane Bateman
Coyotes, Bobcats, and Tule Elk
Jean Burrows
Matt Burrows
Joe Cotchett
Betsy Crowder
Walter and Betty Dennis

Charles Derwin
Kulkarni Family
Jim Feighery
Lenora Fitting
Megan Fluke
Heather E. Frank
Norma Jean Bodey Galiher
Pia Kraus Aitken
Pete and Sue LaTourrette
Martin Litton

Margaret MacNiven
Debbie Maytels
Lisa Munro
Bonnie and Steve Nill
Sheila Norton
Raymond Quon Jr.
Nancy Reyering
Kent Roberts
Lennie Roberts

Audrey Rust
Brian Schmidt
Jeff Segall
Jesus Sendejo
Nita Spangler
Joan Targ
Dan Toby
Soloman Walker
Helen Wolter

Donor List

<$500 Donors

Sabra Abraham
Pat and Jeff Adams
Alicia Aguirre
Donald Aitken
Katherine and Kim Aitken-Young
Sara Ajayi-Dopemu
Vibha and Srinivas Akkaraju
Laurie Alaimo
Judy and Tom Alessandri
Vicki Alexander
Elizabeth and Philippe Alexis
Suzie Allen
Chris and Julie Allingham
Garnetta Annable
Karen S. Arimoto-Peterson
Patricia Armstrong
Amy Armstrong
Michael Aronson and Jody London
Shashank Arora
Norman Arslan
Charmon Ashby
Mr. Keith G. Askoff
Denise Avchen
Kathryn Bache
Daniel and Mary-Lynne Bainbridge
Lawrence M. Baker
Tanya Baldwin
Nancy and Donald Barnby
William Barnhart
Bob Barrett and Linda Atkinson
Isabel Barrios
Brigid Barton
Gail Barton
Darlene Basch
Jennifer and Jamshid Basiji
June Baxter
Mayor Emily Beach
Irene Beardsley and Dan Bloomberg
Michele Beasley
Elizabeth and George Bechtel
Barbara Beck and Geoff Anderson
Josh Becker
Melanie Schnoll Begun
Carolyn and Frank Belknap
Nina Bell
Jeanne Benioff
James Benjamin
Atsuko and Keith Bennett
Zack Bennington
Martin Berndt
Mary Bernstein
Daniel and Bonnie Bernstein
Rhonda Berry
Manjeet Bhamra
Lauren Bigelow
Paul Billig
Jim Blanchard and Terry Sweeney
Patricia Margaret Blevins
Jean Blomquist and Greg Kepferle
Phil and Mary Bobel
Rick and Suzanne Bonilla
Tim Bonnemann
Nancy S. Borgeson
Greg Boro
Julia Bott
Penelope Bowen
John Bowers
Janet Brayer
Mary Ashley Brayton
Larry Breniman
Scott Brenneman
Wendy and Karma Lama
Doug Brockmeyer
Mike Bromberg
Pegeen Brosnan
Jonathan and Roberta Brown
Harry Brown
Joanne E. Bruggemann
Angela Mae Buenafe-Ze
Mark Bult and Velma Gentzsch
Wileta Burch
Patrick Burt
James E. Caldwell
Darla Calvert
Daryl and James Camarillo
Dr. Gordon and Joan Campbell
Chuck Cantrell
Barbara Canup
Julie Cardenas
Margaret Carney
Janice Carr
James and Suzanne Carrig
Eric Carruthers
Sally Casas
Nancy and John Cassidy
Lisa Castellanos
Jeff and Dlane Centoni
Christi Cerna
Elizabeth Johnson and Saul Chaikin
Lyn Chambers and E. Gregory Lee
Susanna Chan
Virginia Chang-Kiraly
Helen and Felix Charpentier
Mary Ellen Chell
Wei and Lydia Chen
Carol Cherico
Paul and Marijane Chestnut
Eugene Chiang
Karsten Chin and Joyce Hirata
Salvador A Chorro Rivas
Terry Christensen
Ellen and N.A. Christensen
Ted and Ginny Chu
William Clancey and Danielle Fafchamps
Thomas and Sarah Clark
David Clark
Bob Clark
John Claussen
Ron and Carol Clazie
George and Trisha Clifford
Marsha Cohen
Katherine Cohn
Ronald Collins
David Cone
David Cook
Robert Cooney
Toby Cooper
Mary Cooper
Heidi Cornelison
Nick Cortez
Jeannette Cosby
Jean Covell
Kara Cox
Linda Craig and Evan Hughes
John Cremin
Jeanine and Paul Crider
Geoff Crouse
Jed and Sue Cyr
Janet Dafoe and Ronald Davis
Kathleen Dailey
Felix Dalldorf
Jean and Art Dana
Martha Dannis
Mike Danzenbaker and Lee Hung
Catherine Davey and Tom Podoll
Michael B. and Susan E. Davis
Jean and Dexter Dawes
Lawrence De Young
M Kathryn Deboo
Gudrun (June) DeBuhr
Anne DeCarli
Kimberly Delgado
John DeLong and Sharon Peters
Martin Delson
Victoria DeMartini and Bryan Osborne
Shirley and Felix Demartis
Karen DeMello
Barry Dennis
Catherine J Derringer
Taletha Derrington
LaRita and Jim Desimpel
Stacy Dever Levy
Dru Devlin
Sue Dileanis
Marshall Dinowitz
Rod Diridon Sr.
Jonathan Dixon
Aaron Dodge
Ahna Dominski
Pamela Dougherty
Dennis Dowling
Doron Drusinsky
Terri Ducay
Richard and Jean Duda
Malcolm and Cosette Dudley
Timothy Duff
Jeannie Duisenberg
Eugenia Durdall
Dave and Ruth Eakin
John Ebneter
Karin Eckelmeyer
Craige and Jan Edgerton
Swanee Edwards
James Eggers
Susan Ellenberg
Suzanne Elliott
Craig Ellis
Catherine and Kurt Elvert
Pamela Enkins
Janet Epstein
Laurence Erhili
Gail Erwin and Paul Smith
Ralph Eschenbach and Carol Provan
Katherine Estrada
Adrienne Etherton
Luci and Chris Evanston
Joe Fabiny
Christina Fairbairn
Peter Fairchild
Marion Farber
Harold and Mary Jo Feeney
James Feichtl
Reena Fernandes
Eleanor Ferrari
Tom and Pauline Ferrito
Tom and Nancy Fiene
Valdeir Faria Filho
Rani Fischer
Doris Fischer-Colbrie and Richard Schoen
Pamela L. Fisher

Paul J Fitzgerald
Christine Fleming and Wazir Peller
Christel Fliss
Marta Flores
Megan Fluke
Jim Foran
Linda and Bert Fornaciari
Noreen Fortune
Flavia Franco
Oliver and Lolita Frank
Tony and Betsy Fraser-Smith
Megan and Tom Fraysse
Robert Freedman
Rea and Mercury America Freedom
Matt Freeman
Mary Freeman Dove
Nir Frenkel
Julianne Frizzell
Vic Froelicher
John Froley
Kai Yu David Fung
Steve and Leslie Furney-Howe
Jeanne Gadol
Kalen Gallagher
Inman Gallogly
Jacqueline Gamaza
Charles Garbett
Smita Garg
Albert and Barbara Gelpi
Betty W. Gerard
Doreen and Frank Gerrity
Marianne Gerson and Dean Glover
Patricia Geyer Carlin
Lynn and Jim Gibbons
Jo Rawlins Gilbert
Mary Gill
Mark Gion
Professor Robert Girard
Phil Giurlani
William Giusti
Jean Goldberg
Chip Goldstein
Jose Gonzalez
Natalie Goolsby
Elad Gottlib
Hugh Graham and Susan Butler Graham
Kathy Graham
Joan and Ben Grammar
Pria Graves
Joan Gray
David Greene
Jan and Jeffrey Greenhawt
Doug Greer
Peter Gregory
Thomas Grey
Grace and Michael Griffin
Yuriy Grinberg
Eugenia Gutman
James Habing
David Hackos
James and Linda Hagan
Lee Hagan
Gerhard E. Hahne
Carol and Dexter Hake
Stephen Halprin
Mary and Eric Hamilton
Doug Hamilton
Michael Hammes
Paul Hammes
Russell Hancock
Jerry Hannan
Hilary Hannon
Kathryn Hargrove
Hertha Harrington
Phillip Harter
Harry and Susan Hartzell
Jeanne Haruta
Andrew Harwell
Bob and Grace Hasbrook
Rebecca Haseleu
Steve Hassid
Barbara Hauer and Susan Dodd
Elizabeth Hawley
Kirsten and Kevin Hayes
Kirsten Hayes
Walter and Katharine Hays
Katie Heaney
Margaret Heath
Ellen Hecht
Paul and Linda Heiple
Ross Heitkamp
Peggy Hennessee
Teena Henshaw
Jack Herman
Lotte Hermannsson
Kimberly Hernandez
Terrell Hernandez
Karen Herrel
John and Nancy Hewitt
Barbara A. Heydorn
David Hibbard
Cayce Hill
David Hinckle
Anne Hinckle
Margaret Hinebaugh
Jan Hintermeister
Melissa Hippard
Ken and Lucinda Hitchner
Allan and Astrid Hogle
Cindy Hogle and Steve Hogle
Leslie and Ricky Holder
Karen Holman
Virginia Holtz
William Homan and Thomas Griglock
Don Horsley
Joe Howard
Janet and Dave Howes
Carol and Mahlon Hubenthal
Caryn Huberman
Joshua and Tina Hugg
Catherine and Kent Humphers Smith
Rick Hunter and Naomi Sigler Hunter
Cait Hutnik
Kevin Ice
Charles Ingoglia
Peter Ingram and Yvette Pirie
Beverly Iverson
Peter Jackson
Robert Jacobsen
Yvonne and William Jacobson
Billy James
Samuel Jeffery
Carol Jennings
Clair and Jay Jernick
Olivier Jerphagnon
Janet Jezek
Thomas Johnson
Barbara Kaiser
Heather Kantor
Ahmet Karakas
Kristine Karnos
Mr. Loran Kary
Denise Kato
Deborah D. Kearney
John Keener
Arthur Keller
Marian Kelly
Padraic Kelly
Kathryn Kelly
Mary Kenney
Carla Kenworthy
Gerald Kerbyson
Barbara and Steven Kerckhoff
Johnny Khamis
Nancy Hunt Kiesling
Kenneth and Rosemary King
Christina King
Robin King
Pamela Kirkbride
Howard and Wendy Kleckner
James and Judith Kleinberg
James Kleinrath
Peter and Ann Knopf
John Kocal
Ellen Koland and Cordell Koland
Carol Kornfeld
Judy and Stew Krakauer
Tony and Judy Kramer
Sibella Kraus
Jennifer and Randy Krenzin
Stephanie Kriebel
Susan Kritzik
Christine Krolik
Chetan Kulkarni
Sheila Kulkarni
Arvind Kumar
Carol Kuster
Michael Kutilek
Ginny Laibl
Niki Lamb
Ann V. Lambrecht
Paola Lancellotti
Whitney Lane
Alfred and Maureen Lane
Carol Langston
Richard and Alanna Lanman
Kris Lannin Liang and Michael Liang
Kevin Lansing and Sonja Myhre
Kelly Lanspa
Jennifer Lapcevic
James and Annie LaPlante
Brian Larson
Don Larson
Kim Lathan
Heather Lattanzi
Cheryl Lavery
Thomas Lawer
Ms. Barbara W. Lawson
Lucinda Lawson
Susan LeClair
Matt Leddy and Gail Raabe
Wesley and Chantu Lee
Aldora Lee
Juliet Lefevre
Deborah Lefkowitz
Kim Lemmer
Sue Lempert
Greg Leonard and Susan Mason
Benjamin Lerner
Jeff Levine
Robert Levy
Lynda Levy and Biff
Michele Lew
Jane and Howard Lewis

Han Lie
Sally Lieber
Mr. and Mrs. George Limbach
Leslie Lincoln
Ava Lindstrom
Thomas Lipkis
Esther Litton
John Litzinger
Sonja and Peter Lobban
Carole Lobban
James and Katharine Lockhart
David Loeb
Ellen C. Loebl
Joan and Gregory Loney
Sheri Lucas
Sharon Luna
Judith and Mark Lurie
Allyson Lynch
John and Jule Lynch
Miriam MacAllister
Alisa and Neil MacAvoy
Wallace and Joan MacDonald
Bonnie Mace
Michelle Mackenzie
Barbara Mackraz
Hugh MacMillan
Margaret Macres
George and Marjorie Mader
David and Lynne Madison
Karen Madsen
Nancy Mager
Maggie Mah and Thomas Johnson
Mojgan Mahdizadeh
Ann and Keith Mangold
Jerry Manoukian
Michael and Arlene Markakis
Maria Marroquin
James Marshall
David Marsland
Susan Martin
Mary E. Martin
Shelly Masur
Barbra and John Mathewson
Mayor Lisa J Matichak
Lori and Dennis McBride
Perry McCarty
Ann McCarty
Jean McCown
Janet McCown
Karen Mccreddin
Shannon McEntee
Alan and Nancy McGee
Michael and Patricia McGuire
Stephen McHenry
Norma J. McKee
Jean Mckenna- Ayer
Jane McLaughlin
Eileen P. McLaughlin
Purvi Mehta
Elizabeth Menkin
Sally Mentzer
Michelle Merrill
Amy Meyer
Stephan and Andrea Meyer-Ewald
Pauline and Eric Millar
Roger Miller
Micki Miller
David Miller
Jo Ann Marie Miller
Henry Millstein
Katharine Minott
Jane Mio
Margaret Mitchell
Carolyn G. Mitchell
Robert and Kay Moline
Renee Moresco
Betsy Morgenthaler
Tina Morrill
Richard Moss and Jill Kaplan
Robert and Harriet Moss
Michelle Moyer
Randall Mrsny
James and Trish Mulvey
Edward Munyak
Susan and Michael Murphy
Dennis Murphy + Cynthia Hunton
Lisa Murphy
William Murray
Paul Myer
Lisa Myers
Karen Myers
Debbie Mytels
Jack and Virginia Nadeau
Roger Nagarajan
Karen and Sam Naifeh
Monique Nakagawa
Monica Nañez
Sonia Nanez
Sudhir Narayana
Lisa Nash
Richard A. Navarro
Peter Neal
Sara Nebeling
Laurie Neighbors
Ann and Warren R Nelson
Frank and Julie Nelson
Mrs. A. Jane Neville
Claudia Newbold
Kurt Newick and Cyndee Newick
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill E. Newman
Iliana Nicholas
Arlene Nichols
Arthur Niell
Kris Nill-Snow
Kenneth Nitz
Pam North
Rita and Kent Norton
Rachel Norton
Paul Nowicki
Johannes and Beatriz Oberhofer Lomeli
Julia O’Connell
Diane Ollila
Kevin Olson
Teresa O’Neill
David Oppenheimer
Dianna Orlandi Wong
Lori Otelsberg
Mr. and Mrs. G. Owen
Mike Pacelli
Martin Packard
Michael Pagano
Wendy Page
Robert and Martha Page
Mary and Ward Paine
Christopher Paine
Palomar Park Garden Club
Peter Parham
Laura Parmer-Lohan
Ragni and Marc Pasturel
Smita Patel
Janaki Patel
Ramona Patterson
Richard Patterson
Gary and Marilyn Patton
Janna Pauser
Richard Payne
Frank and Sandy Peale
James Pearson
Greg Peck
Janet Pelinka
Meg Pelose
Rachel Perkel and Shawn Becker
Brian Perkins and Cathrin Callas
Kirk Pessner
Dave and Mary Ellen Peterson
Sheryl Peterson
Merry Phillips
Lauren Polash
Fran Pollard
Stephen Pond
Ellen Porzig
Margot and Vaughan Pratt
Jeff Prentice
Carol Preo
Mr. Thomas Pressburger
Duffy Price
Sue Prichard
Penny Proctor
Lydia Puhak
Gloria Purcell
Stephen and Sandra Pursell
Diana and Bruce Purucker
Lee and Paul Quintana
Steven Quon
Richard and Carol Rabin
Ted Raczek
Sheila Raleigh
Lucas Ramirez
Bertram and Anne Raphael
Harvey Rarback
Ann Ravel
Sheila Raymond
Howard Read
James Reber and Debbie Webster
Erin Redfern
Kent Redmon
Karen Reeb
Bob Reese
David Reneau
Virginia Rhodas
Richard and Theresa Rieve
Curt Riffle and Karen Scussel
Jeannette and Alan Ringold
Fred Rinne
Charles and Judith Rino
Ana Lucrecia Rivera and Ricardo Neri
Barbara Riverwoman
Jennifer Roberts
Aviva Rochester
Stephen Rock
Deborah Rose
Adolph Rosekrans
Annemarie Rosengreen
Alex Ross
Robert and Aileene Roth
Cindy Rubin and Brian Rosenthal
Jozef Ruck and Donna Ito
Deborah R. Ruddock
Kathy Rudy
Mary Ann Ruiz

Carol and Ron Ruth
Fagamalama Saena
Justine Saffir
Oliver S. and Patricia J. Saffir
Nina, Nick and Beverley Sakelarios
Sean and Caitlin Samenfeld-Specht
Ralph D. Samuelson
Michael and Amy Sanchez
Cara Sander
Robin Shank Sanderson
David Sands
Karl and Susan Schabinger
Janet and Victor Schachter
Steven and Lisa Schatz
Suzanne Schauwecker
William and Lynn Scheid
Madeliene Scheiman
Ann Scheuerell
Hermann Schmid
Karen Schmidt
Kathryn Schmidt
Dana and Alice Schmidt
Cynthia Schmidt
Charles Schmuck
Nancy Schneider
Frank J. Schneider
Linda Schuck and Jim Robbins
Charles Schulz and Claire Taylor
Martha Schwarz
Ms. Joan Scott
Jane Scribner
Walter and Janice Sedriks
Anthony John Seebach
Randy Seeker
Jonathan H. Segal
Paul and Joan Segall
Ben and Annette Segall
Bruce Seidel
Christina Sendejo Johnson
Walter Sensing and Paulette Eisen
Patricia Sexton
Rich and Sandy Shapero
Patrick Jacqueline Shea
Linda Sheehan
Pat Showalter and Steve Longcor
Alexii Sigona
Jon C. Silver
Doug Silverstein
Ida Sim
Jack and Joan Simon
Barbara and Robert Simpson
Amar Singh
Barb Singleton
Court Skinner
Korrine Skinner and Maureen McEvoy
Lee Slaff
Sandra Slater
Charles and Lydia Sloan
Mitchel Slomiak
Barbara and David Slone
Marjorie and Richard Smallwood
Virginia Smedberg
Michael Smith
JoAnn Smith
Larry W. Smith
Mark Smith
Tate and Curtis Snyder
Diane Solomon
Sandy Sommer
Carol Sontag
Karen Spangenberg
Jason Spitzer
Lawrence Spivak
Rene Spring and Mark Hoffman
Erica Stanojevic
Heather Stanton
Jeff and Linda Starr
Susan Steinbrecher
Jackie Stephens
Henry and Marlene Stern
Julie Steury and Peter Reynolds
Stephanie Stevens
Noel Stevens
Jan Stevenson
David Stone
Clay Storseth
Amber Stow
Carolyn Straub and Stephen McHenry
Paula Strauss
Judy Strayss
Ted Stroll
David and Jean Struthers
J Stuart
Christopher A Sturken and Jason Galisatus
Ginger and Roger Summit
Kathy and Craig E Sutherland
Robin Ann Sutton
Anton Swanson
Lauren Swezey
Lina Swisher and Daniel Rubin
Nicholas Targ
Kathleen Tate
Roger and Sherry Taylor
Christy Telch and George Forman
Terry Tenzing
Lars Teppo
Jerry Terstiege
Sue Thiemann and William Faustman
George and Shelle Thomas
Kelvin Thomas
Joy B Thomas
Emily Thurber
Wendi Tibbets
Sara Timby
Nicholas and Laurie Tindall
Kristen Tinetti
Theresa Titus
Darryl and Anne Tjaden
Ms. Robin Toews
Laura Toller Gardner
Kily Tracy
Terry Trumbull
Shendl Tuchman
George E. Tucker and Zoe Kersteen-Tucker
Paula Tuerk
Ellen and Mike Turbow
Michael Turzanski
Kirk Vartan and Marguerite Lee
Mike Vasey and Pattie Papeleux
Dinah Verby
Mark and Dianne Vernon
Alie and Bruce Victorine
Timothy Vine
Alen Voegtlen
Alexandra and Randy Von Feldt
Sabine Von Glinski
Aman Vora
Rick Voreck
Veronika Vostinak
John and Mary Wachtel
Peter Dehlinger and Barbara Waldeck
Ann Waldhauer
David L. Walker
Darien and Doug Walker
Stephen P. Walker
Louis S. Wall
Dieter and Susan Walz
Jamsheed Wania
John Ward
Gretchen and Douglass Warner
Ann Warren Smith
Mitsu Wasano
Lynn Watson
Don Weden
Don and Cheryl Weiden
Alison Weiss
Sue Welch
Ellie and Daniel Wendin
William Wendin
Wood Wendy
Linda A. Wheeler
Randall and Marcia White
Dr. Steven White
Susan Whitford
Neil Wiley
Michael Will
Bruce and Ann Willard
Glen Williams
Michael and Margaret Williams
Margaret and Larry Williams
Stephen Wilson
Robert Wilson
Jonathan and Susan Wittwer
Dana and Kyle Wolfe
Craig and Mary Working
Nina Wouk
Rose Wright
Jim and Tina Wright
Allen S. Wright
Anne Wright
Lyn Wyman and Dennis Dow
Mary Yates
Yuxi Yin
Glenn Yoshioka
Jeffery and Sophie Yost
Robert and Dorothy Young
Carlysle (Cid) Ann Young
Steve Zamek
Monica Zarate
Karli Zarcone
Ellen Zeff and Jeffrey Blaney
Kathryn Zeidenstein
Eli Zigas
Deborah Zimmer
Werner Zurcher
Friends of Edgewood Natural Preserve


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