Rally to State Lands Commission Hearing for Burlingame Bayfront

Join us on October 18th for a complimentary bus ride to Sacramento to speak up for Bayfront open space and habitat restoration!


This State Lands Commission hearing will decide the implementation of the Public Trust DoctrineThe public’s right to use California’s waterways is protected by the common law doctrine of the Public Trust. Today the Public Trust refers to this right to use waterways to engage in commerce, navigation, fishing, swimming, boating, and the preservation of lands in their natural state. The Public Trust continuously evolves to protect the public’s changing use of California’s waterways. – whether to allow hotels and other development along the shore or to encourage San Francisco Bay restoration, improved public access to the water, and the state’s stance in the face of sea level rise. This is the first time that California policymakers will vote on this issue. Join us on October 18th to show your support for keeping the shore as open space!


October 18th – Bus departs from 500 Airport Blvd., Burlingame

7.30 a.m. Registration

8.00 a.m. Departure

       Breakfast and lunch will be provided, vegetarian options included

Return TBD  depending on length of meeting

If you have any questions, please contact Helen Wolter at [email protected] or (650)968-7243 x311.

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