Save Dunes Beach

We often take coastal views for granted until it’s too late.  Now, a proposed 200-unit luxury hotel/conference center and a high-end 170-space RV Park are threatening one of the remaining coastal views in Half Moon Bay. 

In Half Moon Bay, drivers already experience significant delays on Highway 1, especially on weekends.  Traffic would be exacerbated by the hundreds of additional vehicles associated with a luxury hotel doing double duty as a conference center and an RV park.  Allowing these developments would mean forfeiting scenic ocean views, losing prime agricultural land and equestrian uses, and potentially degrading wildlife habitat.

The environmentally preferable, long-term solution for this land is permanent preservation as open space that allows continuation of agricultural and equestrian uses, as well as restoration of historic wetlands and other sensitive habitats.

What You Can Do

The Half Moon Bay City Council and Planning Commission need to know that people want agriculture lands, habitats, and ocean views protected.  Please sign our petition today to show your support! The petition will be submitted in early January, once the new Half Moon Bay City Council is seated.

What Happens Next

The proposed project is in the earliest stages – only a Preliminary Application has been submitted by the developers. This allows applicants to receive staff feedback on their proposal prior to  full reviews by the Planning Commission and the City Council. After revising their application to meet staff’s suggestions, the developer will submit a formal application, which will begin the public review process. Because the site is designated as a Planned Development (PD) area, a Specific Plan for all 47 acres must first be submitted and approved by the Planning Commission and City Council, and then certified by the Coastal Commission. Additional required approvals, including an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Coastal Development Permit (CDP), would follow approval of the Specific Plan. This entire process could take several years.

Why This Matters

The Coastal Act’s Planned Development policies are intended to preserve important coastal resources including prime agricultural soils, sensitive habitats, archaeological sites, and scenic views; this criteria is followed to ensure that our public resources are protected prior to any development approval. The Dunes Beach Planned Development area has extensive prime agricultural soils, scenic ocean vistas, and restorable wetlands. Paving it over for an RV parking lot and hotel would therefore be counter to the Coastal Act’s protection policies. Sign the petition today to show your support for protecting Dunes Beach.

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