Ask San Jose to Protect Coyote Valley!

Calling all those who love Coyote Valley — the moment is here! On Tuesday, February 12, the San Jose City Council will be considering how to allocate the funding from Measure T, including up to $50 million for land acquisition to improve flood protections and water quality in Coyote Valley. Please email the City Council and ask them to allocate the full $50 million from Measure T for land acquisition in Coyote Valley.

What’s Happening:

Last November, San Jose voters overwhelmingly voted for Measure T, which provides up to $50 million for flood prevention by conserving open space in Coyote Valley. The San Jose City Council recently held a study session on Coyote Valley at which city staff and outside experts presented information on the importance of Coyote Valley for wildlife migration, flood protection, groundwater and agriculture.

Why it Matters:

This is a critical moment in the long history of our fight to protect Coyote Valley. For the first time, Coyote Valley’s largest landowners are in active negotiations with environmental organizations over purchase of their land for conservation. That means that we have the opportunity to permanently protect hundreds of acres of the most critical wildlife habitat and floodplains in Coyote Valley. It is vital that the full $50 million from Measure T be kept available for this purpose, as the voters intended. The alternative may be a future where North Coyote Valley is home to warehouses instead of wildlife.

Please email the San Jose City Council today and tell them to protect Coyote Valley!

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