Exciting News for Burlingame Shoreline Park >> Big Hurdle Ahead

Two fabulous things just happened: first, California State Lands Commission staff recommended that the park proposal for the Burlingame bayfront site move to the lease negotiation stage. Second, we submitted 1,883 signatures from our Shoreline Park petition to the Burlingame City Council. Thank you for making this happen by signing our Burlingame Shoreline Park petition!

We haven’t reached the finish line yet. 

What You Can Do

Send a letter to the State Lands Commission in support of the proposal for a nature park on the entire 9 acre publicly owned Bayfront parcel in Burlingame.

What’s Happening: Still Hurdles to Overcome

While the recommendation of the State Lands Commission staff is a wonderful first step, there are hurdles to cross prior to this land becoming a nature park. The private funder must still negotiate the details of the lease with the State Lands Commission staff. If those negotiations are successful, the Commissioners must vote to approve the nature park proposal in late October. At any time during either of these two phases, the agency could decide that the park is not appropriate or feasible, and could re-open the Request for Proposals process.

Committee for Green Foothills is continuing with its efforts to ensure that the State Lands Commission knows there is broad support for the Burlingame Shoreline Park proposal. In addition to the public, there is an alliance of housing, labor, social justice, and environmental groups supporting this park proposal that would have climate resilient features, improve access to the Bay for all, and greater recreational opportunities. The proposal has received support from among others Housing for All Burlingame, Nuestra Casa, Outdoor Afro, San Mateo Building Trades Council, San Mateo Labor Council, Save the Bay, Baykeeper, Greenbelt Alliance and the Sierra Club.

Committee for Green Foothills Needs Your Support

Since 1962, Committee for Green Foothills has been a voice for local nature in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties. Our advocates tirelessly work as eyes and ears on the ground to speak-up for sound land-use policies that protect our local nature. Our advocacy program needs your support to continue to fight for shoreline park .

Please make a contribution of $5, $10, $20 or $30 today to support our Advocacy Program.

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