Protect Open Space in the Stanford Foothills

Photo credit: TJ Nicholson

On Tuesday, November 5 at 1:30 p.m., the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors will hold its final hearing on Stanford University’s development plans. Please sign the petition and email the Supervisors “using the form below” to tell them to protect the Stanford Foothills from development!

What’s Happening

The Stanford Foothills, which stretch from Junipero Serra Blvd west beyond Highway 280, are protected from development by the Academic Growth Boundary (AGB). Currently, a supermajority vote (4 out of 5 Supervisors) is required in order to change the AGB. However, that 4/5 vote requirement expires in the year 2025. 

County staff and the County Planning Commission have recommended extending this 4/5 vote requirement for 99 years. We are glad to have this recommendation, but we believe the 4/5 vote requirement should be made permanent.

Stanford has plenty of room for future development within the AGB. A recent study showed that Stanford could nearly triple its current density without developing outside the AGB and without becoming any denser than comparable universities. 

Why It Matters

The Stanford Foothills encompass over 2,000 acres of hillside grassland and oak savannah. Most of this habitat in northern Santa Clara County has been lost to development. The Stanford Foothills are home to a wide variety of wildlife, including the threatened California tiger salamander. Without this open space, irreplaceable habitat will be lost.

What You Can Do

This is the final hearing on the Stanford issue — we need you to speak up for the foothills!

Sign the petition: Protect the Stanford Foothills. We will be presenting all the signatures at the Board of Supervisors meeting. We’re almost at 1,000 signatures — help us reach the 1,000 mark!

And email the Supervisors directly using the form below.  They will be receiving hundreds of emails about issues like traffic and housing — so it’s important they hear directly from you  and receive lots of emails about open space!

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