Amazon-Style Warehouse/Distribution Center Threatens Coyote Valley

Trucks outside a giant distribution center

In an alarming 5-4 vote on October 27, San Jose’s Planning Commission decided against protecting Coyote Valley. Rejecting the recommendations from Planning staff and the 36-member General Plan Task Force, they voted to recommend against changing the land use in North Coyote Valley from industrial development to open space and agriculture.

It is up to the San Jose City Council to make the final decision about the fate of Coyote Valley on November 16. Please use the form below to email the Council now and ask them to finally protect Coyote Valley by approving the staff recommendations.

Planning Commission Votes Against Wildlife, Water, and the Will of the People

We were extremely disappointed that five Planning Commission members appeared to believe that Coyote Valley is a good location for warehouses and distribution centers instead of a climate resilient landscape. We are grateful for the four members who stood instead for San Jose’s environment and people.

San Jose voters know that Coyote Valley is critically important for wildlife habitat and connectivity, flood and groundwater protection, and open space and farmland. This is why Measure T passed with over 70% of the vote, thus funding the permanent conservation of nearly 1,000 acres of open space in North Coyote Valley.

Five Planning Commissioners disregarded all this as well as the recommendations of the Planning Staff and General Plan Task Force.

Texas-Based Industrial Developer Promises Amazon-Style Distribution Center in Coyote Valley

At the Planning Commission, a Texas-based industrial developer announced that the real estate investment company that owns hundreds of acres in North Coyote Valley has contracted with them to build approximately 2.3 million square feet of industrial warehouse/distribution center buildings, with loading bays for over 500 trucks at a time. It would be located right on what is currently a very popular farmstand and pumpkin patch. Instead of acres of corn and pumpkins, fresh vegetables for sale, and a place for families to enjoy Halloween fun, there would be two giant warehouses with hundreds of trucks coming and going every day.

It would create visual blight that would destroy the scenic beauty of this area, and greatly increase the number of bobcats, coyotes and other animals killed on the roads in Coyote Valley with the constant truck traffic. Polluted runoff from diesel fuel and oil would soak into the groundwater table that connects to the County’s drinking water aquifer. Moreover, economic studies have shown that very few jobs would be created by this kind of warehouse development, and there would be no significant economic benefit to San Jose.

Wildlife Over Warehouses: San Jose City Council Needs to Hear From You

The decision now rests with the San Jose City Council. We believe that the Councilmembers have a better understanding of both the economic realities of San Jose and of the importance of Coyote Valley for climate resilience, wildlife, flood and groundwater protection, and farmland, and that they will vote to protect these critical benefits. But the Council needs to hear from you!

Please email the City Council and ask them to approve the staff recommendations on the Coyote Valley General Plan amendments!

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