Protect Nature at Bedwell Bayfront Park

Protect Nature at Bedwell Bayfront Park

bbparkPlease join me in asking Menlo Park’s Parks and Recreation Commissioners to recommend to the city council the banning of drones and remote-controlled aircraft at Bedwell Bayfront Park.

What You Can Do
 1.Email Parks and Recreation Commissioners by Wed. evening (emails and sample text below)

2. Join me at the Parks and Rec Commission meeting
Wednesday, Sept. 23, 6:30pm
City Council Chambers, 701 Laurel St., Menlo Park

What’s Happening
Flying drones and remote-controlled planes has become a popular activity at Bedwell Bayfront Park. Because of the noise and other disturbances to people and wildlife, we are asking the commissioners to recommend to the city council that they ban these aircrafts from the park.

Why It Matters
Bedwell Bayfront Park is located along the Bay and surrounded on three sides by the Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge. In addition to being home to local wildlife, the park provides an important opportunity for people to experience nature. Furthermore, the park’s master plan states that the park should provide “an opportunity for people to enjoy peace and quiet.” Due to the impacts on both wildlife and people, Bedwell Bayfront Park is not the right place for drones and remote-controlled planes.

For more information, please see my letter to the Menlo Park Parks and Recreation Commission.

Thank you for joining me in speaking up to protect nature at this important local park.


Alice Kaufman
Legislative Advocate

Commissioner emails: [email protected][email protected][email protected],
[email protected][email protected][email protected],
[email protected]

Sample email text
Dear Parks and Recreation Commissioners,

Please recommend to the city council that they ban drones and remote-controlled aircraft at Bedwell Bayfront Park. Drones and remote-controlled aircraft create noise and other disturbances for wildlife and people. Due to these impacts, Bedwell Bayfront Park is not the right place for drones and remote-controlled planes.

Thank you for protecting nature at our local park.


[Your Name]

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