Action Alert: Attempted Coup at the Coastal Commission!

Action Alert: Attempted Coup at the Coastal Commission!

Please join me in asking California Coastal Commissioners to stand up for the Coastal Act and support the Commission’s Executive Director Charles Lester.

Martin's Beach Picture 2(2)What You Can Do
1. Email Coastal Commissioners ([email protected])

2. Join me at the Coastal Commission meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 10, 10am at the Inn at Morro Bay (60 State Park Road, Morro Bay)


What’s Happening
California’s world-renowned coastal protection program is under attack. A behind-the-scenes effort by developer-friendly Coastal Commissioners to fire Executive Director Dr. Charles Lester, has just come to light. The four commissioners appointed by the Governor appear to be the chief instigators. Rather than quietly resign, Dr. Lester has asked for a public hearing, which is his right. The hearing will be February 10 at the Coastal Commission’s meeting in Morro Bay.

Why It Matters
This attempted coup is an attack on the integrity and independence of the Coastal Commission. The coast belongs to all the people. All Californians need to speak up for the coast, and defend the Coastal Act and the Coastal Commission’s independent staff on this, the 40th anniversary of the Coastal Act. As Peter Douglas, the former Executive Director of the Coastal Commission said, “The Coast is never saved, it is always being saved.”

Thanks for joining me in speaking up to protect our coast.


Lennie Roberts
Legislative Advocate

P.S: For more information on our position, please see my letter to Governor Jerry Brown or my letter to the Coastal Commission. And for a great summary of what’s at stake, see this recent LA Times article.

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