Action Alert: Save North Crestview Park

On June 30 at 7:00 pm, the San Carlos City Council will hold a critical meeting to consider “disposing” of a beautiful open space/parkland site called North Crestview Park. Please sign and send the Protest Letter to help save this park for future generations.

What You Can Do n.crestviewPark

1. Sign the Protest Letter

2. As soon as possible, mail or deliver your protest letter to:  
San Carlos City Clerk
600 Elm Street
San Carlos, CA 94070

You do not have to be a registered voter, or a resident of the city to protest. You can add your own personal comments to this protest, but the specific language on the protest form must be included in order to be legally sufficient. 

What’s Happening
North Crestview Park is a jewel of open space that was dedicated as parkland as mitigation for the Crestview Park Estates Development back in 1974. The park is also an important wildlife corridor that connects Vista Park to the east of Crestview Drive with San Francisco Watershed open space lands to the west.

The San Carlos City Council has been meeting in closed session to consider selling or trading this parkland to the San Carlos School District, which wants to build a new Charter Learning Center there.

Why This Is Important
Open space and parklands should not be sacrificed for other purposes. As our cities become more densely populated, every green space becomes more precious. Selling, trading, or otherwise disposing of North Crestview Park would violate longstanding policies of the San Carlos General Plan and zoning of the site. If the City wants to sell or trade this parkland, they must first put the matter on the ballot. Before the June 30 meeting, it is crucial to demonstrate that there is overwhelming public support to keep this park.

For more information, please visit the Save North Crestview Park’s website or read the letter I submitted to the City Clerk on behalf of Committee for Green Foothills.

Thanks for speaking up for open space! Your voice does make a difference.


Lennie Roberts
Legislative Advocate

P.S. To help us track the effectiveness of our alerts, please email us once you have submitted your letter to the city.

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