Author: Julie Hutcheson

Action Alert: Update on the SEQ

Action Alert: Update on the SEQ

What’s Happening On Wednesday February 6, the Morgan Hill City Council directed staff to postpone starting the process for development of city-owned property in the Southeast Quadrant until Council has had the opportunity to review and discuss the City’s plan for this area. Please email the City Council to thank them for deciding to reevaluate...

Supervisors Support Funding Preservation of 12,000 Farmland Acres

Supervisors Support Funding Preservation of 12,000 Farmland Acres

On Tuesday, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to strengthen the protection and viability of agriculture in the County, including allocating up to $20 million annually (if available) from the year-end General Fund balance to acquire agricultural conservation easements. Please email the Supervisors to thank them for acting to preserve farmland in...

A Big Win: Morgan Hill Annexation Denied

A Big Win: Morgan Hill Annexation Denied

After a four hour hearing on Wednesday, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) voted 4 to 3 to deny the City of Morgan Hill’s request to annex 66 acres of farmland in the Southeast Quadrant (SEQ) for development. Thank you to all those who sent letters or made public comment at the hearing. Please join...

Help Us Fight Sprawl in the SEQ

Help Us Fight Sprawl in the SEQ

Note: This action alert is now closed.  We will publish an update on the LAFCO meeting shortly. On Wednesday, December 5, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) will consider the City of Morgan Hill’s request to annex 65 acres of farmland in the Southeast Quadrant (SEQ) for development. Please come to the LAFCO meeting, or send...

Action Alert Followup: Sprawl in the SEQ

Action Alert Followup: Sprawl in the SEQ

On Tuesday, we asked you to speak up for responsible growth and farmland in Morgan Hill. Your response was heartening! 30 people emailed the City and Council Members.   Unfortunately, City Council – on a 3 to 2 vote – adopted a resolution authorizing the City to apply once again to LAFCo so they may...

Action Alert: Stop Sprawl in the SEQ

Action Alert: Stop Sprawl in the SEQ

Note: The Council meeting has occurred and unfortunately the Council voted 3-2 to apply for annexation of farmland. Thank you to all those who wrote to the Morgan Hill City Council. We will continue to advocate on this issue. On Wednesday, Sept. 5, the Morgan Hill City Council will consider adopting a resolution authorizing the...

Location For Gilroy Rail Station Up For Grabs, Farmland Again At Risk.

Location For Gilroy Rail Station Up For Grabs, Farmland Again At Risk.

In 2012 Gilroy’s city councilmembers chose their downtown as the preferred location for a high-speed rail (HSR) station. The community strongly supported this decision, as did Committee for Green Foothills, because it avoided the alternative location—accompanied by new urban growth —in the Agricultural Preserve to the east of the shopping outlets. Locating the station in...

Take Action by 4/9: Our hillsides are at risk

Take Action by 4/9: Our hillsides are at risk

Santa Clara County hillsides are at risk. YCS Investments is at it again with yet another proposal to develop Young Ranch. Send a comment letter on the Young Ranch residential project’s Draft Environmental Impact Report by Sunday, April 9. This project threatens the integrity of San Jose’s greenbelt by setting an alarming precedent of allowing...


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