Author: Moises Mena

Good news for Santa Clara Parks

Good news for Santa Clara Parks

On Monday (10/27/14) I sent an email asking residents in the City of Santa Clara to speak up and urge the city not to reconsider its development impact fee to fund city parks. A huge thank you to everyone who contacted the Santa Clara City Council. I’m please to have good news to share! At...

Tell Santa Clara to uphold parks funding

Tell Santa Clara to uphold parks funding

Tomorrow, Tuesday October 28, the Santa Clara City Council may vote on a motion to reconsider its recent decision regarding the city’s new parks funding ordinance. Please tell the City Council NOT to reconsider its vote, and to keep the parks funding ordinance at 100% of cost recovery. What You Can Do 1. Come to...

Celebrating Devil’s Slide

Celebrating Devil’s Slide

After our 40-year campaign to stop Caltrans from building the L.A-like freeway bypass at Devil’s Slide, we are ecstatic to report that the tunnel has been built, the trail has been opened, and now Caltrans is even receiving an award for the project. Tomorrow morning, Wednesday October 22, Legislative Advocate Lennie Roberts will attend the MTC...

We’re on!

We’re on!

Committee for Green Foothills is a champion of Measure Q to protect local open space for future generations. Our petition on is just one of the many ways we are working to get our the vote for this crucial ballot measure. It’s pretty exciting. And, we just hit 1,500 signatures! Can you help us...

1 month left for Measure Q!

1 month left for Measure Q!

It’s hard to believe it’s already October, even harder to believe that we only have one month left until November 4. Hopefully you’ve already heard about Measure Q to protect open space for future generations, if not you can read more on our blog. We wanted to share these 3 easy things you can do...

Good News for our Hillsides!

Good News for our Hillsides!

Last week I sent an action alert asking you to urge the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors to protect our hillsides. Good news! On Monday, I got word that the property owner had withdrawn his application for an amendment to the General Plan. This means that if the landowner wants to submit a future...

Tell Board of Supervisors to Protect Hillsides

Tell Board of Supervisors to Protect Hillsides

Next Tuesday, September 23, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors will decide whether to overturn decades of settled land use policy and allow a rural landowner to subdivide his property into more than the allowed number of lots. Please join me and ask the board to deny this application. (If you think you’ve heard...

Tell Governor Brown: Open Martin’s Beach!

Tell Governor Brown: Open Martin’s Beach!

Please join me and Committee for Green Foothills in the next action to restore access to Martin’s Beach, and urge Governor Brown to sign Senate Bill 968. SB 968, an important tool for restoring access, will become law if signed by the Governor. What You Can Do: Email Gov. Brown (complete the contact form through...

$386 Billion

$386 Billion

$386 billion. According to a recent study* that’s the value of Santa Clara County’s natural capital. Though we know nature is priceless, it helps others to understand the bottom line of protecting local natural systems. This is also why we think groups like the Santa Clara County Association of Realtors have endorsed Measure Q. From...


Measure Q: Another Open Space Ballot Measure

While we celebrate the recent victory of Measure AA, we’re gearing up for the next ballot measure to fund local open space. YES on Measure Q is well underway, and we are doing everything we can to get it passed. On November 4, voters in southern Santa Clara County (including the cities of San Jose, Milpitas,...


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