Author: Staff


Action Alert: Vote for Lennie!

Dear Friends, As you know, Lennie Roberts has been nominated as a Cox Conserves Hero by Cox Enterprises, (the parent company of Channel 2), and The Trust for Public Land! What’s HappeningFive finalists have been nominated for the 2009 Cox Conserves Hero Award. With her work as a Conservation Hero beginning at age 12, Lennie...


"the citizen-based Committee for Green Foothills and the Sierra Club fought development of open space, project by project, to preserve the land."

Great to have quotes like that one above even in articles that aren’t about us, but rather about long-time journalist Marion Softky: The scale of open space from the valley to the coast is unmatched in a large metropolitan area, she says. The “Freeway Revolt” stopped the extension of Willow Road to the coast; the...


Great news for Northern California and San Mateo Coasts

The Coastal Commission decided yesterday on a 3-2 vote to set up no fishing, no diving/underwater take zones in certain areas of the California coast, including off of Half Moon Bay. Our oceans have been so devastated with overfishing and other impacts over the last few decades that “safe zones” free from human predation make...


Tom Jordan: An environmental perspective

Palo Alto Online – May 1, 2009 Tom Jordan: An environmental perspective Battle-scarred conservationist takes a long-term view by Chris Kenrick, Palo Alto Weekly Staff Commuting from Palo Alto to his San Jose law office, Tom Jordan recalls when 50 percent of the land on both sides of U.S. Highway 101 consisted of pear orchards....


Stanford Sustainable Development Study: document dump

I normally try to post most of my written communications here on the blog. In the case of the Stanford Study, much of that didn’t happen due to everything going on. Below the fold are a few of the things I wrote during that time: ————–(A short PowerPoint presentation on the failure to define “sustainability”)...


Stanford gets county nod to expand campus

The Almanac Online – April 8, 2009 Stanford gets county nod to expand campus Growth by 2035 could reach 2 million to 5 million additional square feet under ‘Sustainable Development Study’ plan By Gennady Shayner, Palo Alto Online staff Stanford University’s plans to build new academic buildings and houses on its campus received a major...


Opposing the Bush Administration attempt to weaken the Endangered Species Act

We sent out an Urgent Alert to supporters over the weekend, asking them to contact the Bush Administration and announce their opposition to proposed rules that would weaken the Endangered Species Act. We contacted the Interior Department as well, and wrote the following. The Committee for Green Foothills represents over a thousand families in Santa...

birds sitting on water

Redwood City Saltworks Forum on Open Space and Recreation

Last night I had the opportunity to speak to Redwood City residents at a forum about recreation and open space at the site of the Redwood City Industrial Siteworks/Seaport Wetlands (depending on your point of view). The forum was hosted by Cargill/DMB, the group doing public outreach in advance of submitting a plan to the...


Success with MidCoast Local Coastal Plan Amendment!

I am very pleased to announce that today the san Mateo County Board of Supervisors unanimously supported Resolution #4 as the means by which they will submit the LCP Amendment package to the Coastal Commission. This vote signals the Board’s willingness to work collaboratively with the Commission. They have agreed to request and consider adopting...


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