Category: CEQA


CGF Letter requestion adequate time to comment on massive proposal on the Coast

(CGF Legislative Advocate Lennie Roberts sent the letter below requesting adequate time to comment on the newly-released document for the Big Wave project on the Coast.  -Brian) October 10, 2010 David Bomberger, Chair and Members of the Planning Commission 455 County Center, 2nd Floor Redwood City, CA 94063 Re:  Request for Extension of Time to...


CGF/Audubon appeal of the Brookside Estates development approval in San Jose

(CGF and Audubon filed a joint appeal below of a misguided project near Guadalupe Creek.  -Brian) Joint Appeal by Santa ClaraValley Audubon Society and Committee for Green Foothills Supplement Appeal Information August 20, 2010 The Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society (SCVAS) and Committee for Green Foothills (CGF), together representing more than 2000 residents in the...


Committee for Green Foothills’ comments on Stanford Medical Center DEIR

(We submitted the comments below on the draft environmental review of the Stanford Medical Center. The letter references a previous letter that CGF wrote in 2007, which can be found here.  -Brian) July 27, 2010 Steven Turner Department of Planning and Community Environment Re:  StanfordUniversityMedicalCenter Facilities Renewal and Replacement Draft Environmental Impact Report, SCH #2007082130...


Committee for Green Foothills’ scoping letter on Stanford Medical Center from October 1, 2007

(The letter below is referenced in another letter that CGF sent yesterday, so I’m posting it here.  -Brian) October 1, 2007 Steven Turner City of Palo Alto Re:  Scoping comments for the StanfordMedicalCenter and Shopping Center Expansion EIR Dear Steven; The Committee for Green Foothills submits the following comments for scoping the EIR for the...


Action Alert! Oppose proposed legislation that would create 125 unplanned loopholes in California’s environmental law!

(The Action Alert below was sent out to CGF members and supporters.  We will also put it up on the Action Alert section of the CGF website, but I’m reproducing it here so people can see it early.  -Brian) Dear Four identical bills in California‘s Assembly and Senate have the goal of exempting 125 public agency and private...


Letter to California legislature opposing bills that would drive 125 holes through CEQA

(CGF is sending the following letter to members of the California Assembly and State Senate.  -Brian) February 23, 2010 The Honorable Lou Correa                                            The Honorable Dave Cogdill State Legislature                                                             State Legislature California State Capitol, Room 5052                                CaliforniaState Capitol, Room 5097 Sacramento, CA95814                                                   Sacramento, CA95814 The Honorable Charles Calderon                                                The Honorable Brian Nestande State Legislature                                                             State...


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