Category: Gilroy


CGF urges Gilroy to stay involved in the County Habitat Plan

(We sent the letter below to Gilroy’s City Council, urging them to reconsider a proposal to withdraw from the County Habitat Plan.  Their decision was to reconsider it a later point.  -Brian) May 2, 2011 City Council City of Gilroy             Re:  Item 10b, Gilroy‘s participation in the CountyHabitat Plan Dear City Council Members; As...


CGF Position Statement on the proposal to destroy farmland for east-side Gilroy high speed rail station

(CGF issued the following position statement earlier this year.  -Brian) Committee for Green Foothills Policy Opposing a Proposed Eastern Location for the Gilroy Train Station February 16, 2011 Committee for Green Foothills is reviewing the as-yet incomplete information on the alignment and potential impacts of High Speed Rail between San Jose and Merced.  Even at...


People of Gilroy oppose destroying farmland to construct a remote train station

There’s a good article in the Gilroy Dispatch about the proposed High Speed Rail system and potential train station in Gilroy, and it quotes CGF Advocate Julie Hutcheson.  One potential location is downtown at the existing station, while the other is far east of town where a lot of prime farmland would be lost: Residents...


Wrap-up: CGF comment letters on Gilroy sprawl applications

(Going through files I remembered two comment letters we wrote on the now-defeated Gilroy sprawl applications that hadn’t been posted here. I’m adding them below. -Brian) Committee for Green Foothills’ continued opposition to all Gilroy Urban Service Area expansions 10/1/2009 Dear Planning Commission members, I regret that a scheduling conflict prevents me from attending tonight’s...


Great news from Gilroy – last two remaining sprawl proposals defeated

(I just wanted to put a link to this Gilroy Dispatch article, and we’ll add more later. -Brian) Article: Citing uncertainties over environmental reports, the council voted 4-3 – with Council members Dion Bracco, Bob Dillon and Craig Gartman dissenting – against two annexation requests that would eventually lead to residential development. Gillmor’s Lucky Day...


CGF at Morgan Hill City Council

Morgan Hill puts its City Council meetings online, so I wanted to point to two items where we were involved. We announced our Nov. 7th event on the South Valley in Gilroy: City of Morgan Hll City Council Meeting 10-7-2009 Part 1 from Larry Talbot on Vimeo. (You need to let it buffer for a...


Comments on Gilroy expansion SEIRs for Lucky Day, Gavilan, and Wren Investor proposals

The Committee for Green Foothills submitted comment letters below (click “Read More” to see the full letters) on proposed outward expansions of the City of Gilroy. There’s no reason to do this, and the environmental documentation is inadequate. The letters reference appendices that I haven’t attached due to length, but I can send them to...


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