Category: News


The son of Prop. 90

Via an email from Greenbelt Alliance, we learned that backers of the defeated Proposition 90, which would have decimated new land use protections, may try again with a new measure. According to the article, the backers are now focusing on prohibiting eminent domain for private projects, rather than trying to block new environmental protections. If...


Success with MidCoast Local Coastal Plan Amendment!

I am very pleased to announce that today the san Mateo County Board of Supervisors unanimously supported Resolution #4 as the means by which they will submit the LCP Amendment package to the Coastal Commission. This vote signals the Board’s willingness to work collaboratively with the Commission. They have agreed to request and consider adopting...


MidCoast LCP Amendments before San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, November 14th

April Vargas of the CGF Board of Directors submitted these comments to the Board of Supervisors concerning what method the Board uses to seek approval of the Amendments by the Coastal Commission, who needs to provide the final approval. Committee for Green Foothills Comments onMidcoast LCP Update ProjectCounty Counsel Memo November 14, 2006 County Counsel...


Don’t forget to go out and vote!

CGF sent the Action Alert below to remind people of issues on tomorrow’s ballot. For more information, you can also see our earlier Action Alert, here. -Brian—————- Dear Friends, I’m sure you’ve already received many reminders to get out and vote in tomorrow’s election. I can’t remember a time when there are more measures on...


Letter to San Jose requesting updated fiscal analysis

We submitted the following letter to the Coyote Valley Task Force, and we’ll just hope it gets some results. -Brian————October 30, 2006 Coyote Valley Specific Plan Task Force Re: Need for an accurate update of the Draft Fiscal Analysis Dear Members of the CVSP Task Force: The Committee for Green Foothills submitted several comments about...


Sometimes, it’s simple

Yesterday, I attended a “Yes on Measure A” rally, complete with a lot of “Yes on Measure A” signs. Afterwards, I walked back to my car as a one-man parade, with a sign held high in each hand. A man stopped me on the sidewalk. “What’s that sign about?” “It’s supporting Measure A in Santa...


Letter to Sunnyvale City Council about Measure A

We sent the following letter on Tuesday to the Sunnyvale City Council urging support for Measure A. They ultimately decided to take no position, not because they disagreed with it (mostly they support it), but because they felt it wasn’t a city-level issue. As you can see from our letter, we disagree. -Brian ————— October...


The problem with Coyote Valley, in one paragraph

I’ve been struggling to state clearly why Coyote Valley is such a mess of a proposal under the both current and future economic situations. Holly came up with this definition in preparation for materials to present at Nature’s Inspirations, which I think is excellent: The stated reason to build Coyote Valley is to bring needed...


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