Category: News


Toxic explosion in East Palo Alto has uncertain effect on the Baylands

(Guest posting by CGF volunteer Annie Ryan.) On June 5th of this year, a four-thousand gallon mixture of volatile and­­ semi-volatile organic compounds exploded inside a tanker truck at the East Palo Alto Romic toxic waste facilities, and subsequently escaped from the tanker into the air (the press release avoided the word “exploded” and said...


Counties’ right to regulate logging

Several weeks ago, the California Supreme Court issued fairly broad protection to counties attempting to regulate logging in their jurisdiction. It had been unclear whether state law superceded the normal right of local agencies to regulate land use. With additional clarity, there may now be reason and ability for counties in our area to restrict...


Stanford Trails

Below is a Letter to the Editor we sent in to the Mercury News and Palo Alto Weekly about Stanford University’s recent announcement they are halting work on the Page Mill/S1 Trail. — Holly Van Houten, Executive Director ——————————————–Dear Editor, As the former director of the Bay Area Ridge Trail Council, it was my great...


Open Space Initiative and Letter to Mountain View

CGF sent out an Action Alert this week asking people to check out the website for the Open Space Initiative and to encourage Mountain View City Council to endorse the Initiative. Unfortunately, the City didn’t make a decision this week after all, but we hope they’ll endorse it in the near future. Below is a...


CGF is suing Stanford over reneging on its environmental promises

Well, this has been in the works ever since last December, when Stanford and Santa Clara County took an action we described as “Disappointing, bad policy, and illegal.” Instead of a promised trail to make up for Stanford’s environmental impacts, the university pushed an expanded sidewalk in a different county that causes environmental impacts instead...


11,000-acre ranch protected along south Santa Clara County

(Below is a guest posting by CGF Summer Intern Annie Ryan.) On June 14th, Los Gatos-based Gabilan Ranch owners announced the sale of development rights to the Nature Conservancy for the “stunning” 11,190-acre ranch, located just south of the Santa Clara-San Benito boundary. In one of the largest land preservation arrangements ever to be completed...


Master Comment letter on Coyote Valley Fiscal Analysis

CGF sent the additional letter below, following up on many previous comments on the Coyote Valley fiscal analysis. We sure hope that it gets a thoughtful response by the city. -Brian————June 6, 2006 Coyote Valley Specific Plan Task Force Re: Master Comment Letter on Draft Fiscal Analysis for CoyoteValley Dear Members of the CVSP Task...


Coyote Valley Farmland Mitigation Comments

CGF has submitted many comments to San Jose about preserving nearby farmland. Below is one of our comments submitted in relation to Coyote Valley on June 1. -Brian ———–Dear Sal, I hope the City of San Jose can accept these somewhat-belated comments on potential Agriculture Mitigation in Coyote Valley. The Committee for Green Foothills stands...


Election Day tomorrow

Tomorrow (Tuesday) is Election Day, so people should remember to go out and vote! Committee for Green Foothills is a non-partisan organization, and we don’t endorse candidates. We do encourage people to examine the environmental issues in any particular race, however, and keep those in mind as part of the voting decision. The San Jose...


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