Category: Stanford


Stanford Study meant to be permanent or at least 99 years

(The following document on the Stanford Sustainable Development Study was sent to multiple government officials today. -Brian) Excerpts of statements in the administrative record for the December 2000 Stanford GUP that are related to the planning horizon for the Stanford Sustainable Development Study City of Palo Alto recommendations of 10/12/99, reaffirmed 10/25/99 and 10/28/99: Vision...


Timeline for Stanford Sustainable Development Study

CGF Intern Laurel Smith and I have been researching how the Stanford Sustainable Development Study became a requirement in the 2000 General Use Permit, which will hopefully help shed light on the question of whether the “maximum buildout potential” meant “maximum buildout potential” or if it meant “maximum buildout up until some relatively short period...


CGF comment letter on Stanford Sustainable Development Study

(CGF submitted this letter last week regarding the Stanford Sustainable Development Study. -Brian) November 20, 2008 Santa Clara County Planning Commission Re: Comments on the Sustainable Development Study for Stanford University Dear Commission Members; The Committee for Green Foothills (CGF) appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Stanford Sustainable Development Study (Study). While the process...


Draft Stanford Sustainable Development Study available, and there are problems

Stanford’s long-promised, draft Sustainable Development Study is available here. While I haven’t had the time to take a good look at it, there’s an immediately-obvious flaw – it’s supposed to “identify the maximum buildout potential and all areas of potential development” but fails to do that, instead describing what buildout is expected only through 2035....


Great article about Stanford blocking the Bay-to-Ridge Trail

Palo Alto Weekly has a great article here about how a trail from Skyline to the Bay is all but constructed. The only missing part runs through Stanford. That part should have been constructed years ago – Stanford agreed to do it, but has since backed out. We’ll keep working on them though. -Brian (An...


Committee for Green Foothills comments on potential City Council instructions for a Development Agreement with Stanford

(We sent the following to the Palo Alto City Council as it prepares to give instructions to staff on how staff should negotiate with Stanford. -Brian)November 26, 2007 Palo Alto City Council Dear Mayor Kishimoto and City Council Members; The Committee for Green Foothills appreciates the opportunity to help provide input to City staff regarding...


CGF scoping comments on the proposed Stanford Shopping/Medical Center Expansion

(CGF submitted the following comments on the scoping (preparation) of the environmental review for the Stanford Shopping Center and Medical Center expansions. We’ll also review the actual environmental documents when the drafts are available. -Brian) October 1, 2007 Steven TurnerCity of Palo Alto Re: Scoping comments for the StanfordMedicalCenter and Shopping Center Expansion EIR Dear...


One million square feet of new office space at Moffett Field?

Buried in this article about runway use at Moffett is the following: Two years ago, Google signed a high-profile deal with NASA Ames to collaborate on a number of projects, most of which have been described only vaguely, and to build up to 1 million square feet of office space. A million square feet translates...


Press release on Stanford Trails

Committee for Green Foothills NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 21, 2007 PRESS CONTACTS: Holly Van Houten, Executive Director (x360) Brian Schmidt, Legislative Advocate (x313)phone (650) 968-7243 * [email protected] Roberts, Legislative Advocate (650) 854-0449 San Mateo County Supervisors Set to Reject Alpine Road Trail PALO ALTO, CA — StanfordUniversity’s proposal to construct an environmentally-destructive sidewalk...


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