Jessica W and Juan E headshots

Welcome Jessica, Farewell Juan

Green Foothills is delighted to welcome a new Environmental Associate, Jessica Wohlander, who will spearhead our work in San Benito County and southern Santa Clara County. Jessica will work on land use issues and development projects to protect the natural resources, rich farmland, and beautiful open spaces of the Upper Pajaro Watershed. Jessica Brings San Benito County Expertise, Experience to Green Foothills Jessica resides in San Benito County, a relatively new area of focus for Green Foothills that is a natural outgrowth of our work to protect wildlife corridors and stop sprawl in southern Santa Clara County. Many ecologically sensitive...

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mountain lion

Species Spotlight: Mountain Lions

Mountain lions aren’t just beautiful animals – they’re a keystone species, helping maintain a balanced ecosystem in our region. They’re also at risk due to habitat loss and difficulty migrating to new territories. That’s why so much of Green Foothills’ advocacy work emphasizes mountain lion survival. Mountain Lions – A Keystone Species at Risk Whether you call this big cat a mountain lion, puma, or cougar, Puma concolor is one of the iconic species of the state of California. More closely related to domestic cats than to African lions, mountain lions inhabit a wide range of ecosystems, including mountains, forests,...

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Half Moon Bay Coastal Trail

Protecting Pedestrians While Accommodating E-Bikes on the Coastal Trail

Half Moon Bay’s efforts to ban e-bikes on the Coastal Trail may be thwarted by a new state law. But there is a possible solution that will be a win-win for everyone involved: redesigning the Coastal Trail to include both paved surfaces for bikes and e-bikes, and unpaved surfaces for pedestrians. This would increase safety, allow pedestrians a more peaceful trail experience, and maximize access for all. Why E-Bikes on Trails Are a Concern As electric bikes (e-bikes) have become increasingly popular in recent years, concerns have risen about the impact of e-bike riders on local trails. Half Moon Bay,...

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Coyote Valley landscape

Don’t Turn Coyote Valley’s Wildlife Corridor Into a Mausoleum

Update: Thanks to everyone who spoke up at the city’s 11/30/23 meeting. We’ll keep you informed about what’s happening with this. To receive updates, sign up for our email newsletter at On Thursday, November 30, the city of San Jose will hold a virtual community meeting to hear from the public about the Heritage Oaks Memorial Park, a massive project that threatens to block wildlife movement through Coyote Valley. Please use the form below to ask the city to require a supplemental environmental review to accurately analyze the project’s impacts. What’s Happening In 2014, the city of San Jose...

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Isabella G.

Using Her Leadership Skills to Help Her Tribe: Isabella ‘Amne Gomez

Isabella ‘Amne Gomez is a Muwekma Ohlone Youth Ambassador and a first-year undergraduate student at Santa Clara University. Because of her youth leadership work, she was accepted into the Green Foothills Leadership Program during her last semester of high school. She plans to use the skills, knowledge, and connections gained in the Leadership Program to help her tribe. For Isabella, environmental stewardship is an important part of connecting to and preserving Muwekma Ohlone culture, and that’s what brought her to Green Foothills. “Being raised in the Bay Area I was grateful to be able to live on my ancestral homeland,...

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coastal erosion in Moss Beach

Saving Our Beaches

California’s coastal bluffs, cliffs, and iconic beaches face a perilous future, as rising seas and hammering waves, fueled by climate change, are causing increased rates of shoreline erosion. Many beaches have been impacted by shoreline “protection” structures such as sea walls, revetments and rip-rap (boulders) that were installed in hopes of protecting coastal development. Ironically, these structures actually accelerate the rate of shoreline erosion. Waves that hit seawalls and other unyielding structures are reflected back towards the ocean or onto adjacent unprotected bluffs. Each reflected wave takes beach sand with it. Over time, the beach disappears. Usually, the most cost-effective...

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Stanford Dish in Stanford foothills

Victory on Protecting Stanford Foothills

After years of advocating for stronger protections for the Stanford foothills, we can celebrate an important victory. On October 17, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors approved updates to the Stanford Community Plan, including extending by 99 years the supermajority vote requirement to allow development in the foothills. Please use the form below to thank the Supervisors for their unanimous vote! A victory years in the making Green Foothills was founded in 1962 to protect the foothills west of Palo Alto and the Stanford campus from development. Along the way there were many victories and losses, but one significant...

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Stanford Dish in Stanford foothills

Final Vote: Protect the Stanford Foothills

Update: Victory! On 10/17/23, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the Stanford Community Plan, including a 99-year extension of the supermajority vote requirement. While this vote won’t prevent any development from ever happening in the Stanford Foothills, it will require that for the next 99 years, 4 out of 5 Supervisors in the County of Santa Clara must agree that it’s a good idea to allow development there. Other development proposals require only a simple majority (3 out of 5 Supervisors), so this higher bar recognizes that these 2,300 acres of grassy hillsides and oak savannah provide...

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Green Foothills staff standing in a group outdoors. Photo credit: Jamal Edwards

A Message from Our New Executive Director

As I step into the role of Executive Director of Green Foothills, I’m honored and excited to lead this incredible organization that has had a profoundly important impact on our region. I do so surrounded by a talented team and dedicated community of people who share a vision of a region where wildlife thrives, everyone has natural beauty to enjoy, and communities live in balance with nature. Having been a part of Green Foothills for 15 years, I had the good fortune of meeting many of you over the years. If I haven’t had the opportunity to meet you yet,...

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crowd at Nature's Inspiration 2023 event

Thank You for Making Nature’s Inspiration a Huge Success!

Nature’s Inspiration on 9/24 was uplifting, joyful, and a huge success! The energy and support from the Green Foothills community was phenomenal. We are so grateful to all sponsors and guests, including the 100 people who made over $50,000 in pledges during the Community Building fund-a-need drive led by surprise guest, Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian. The goal of Green Foothills’ Community Building Initiative is to create a conservation movement where everyone can feel they belong. You can learn more and make a donation if you would like, on our Community Building page. An Amazing Day! We want to...

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