Support Protection of Dunes Beach at Coastal Commission Hearing

Speak up for permanent protection of open space, agriculture and equestrian uses at Surf Beach/Dunes Beach in Half Moon Bay! Email the California Coastal Commission by Friday, April 9, opposing any changes to the City’s Land Use Plan that could allow development of a massive luxury hotel, conference center, and high-end RV Park at Surf Beach/Dunes Beach.

What’s Happening

The Coastal Commission will be voting on April 15 to certify the Half Moon Bay Land Use Plan (LUP) Update. The updated LUP provides stronger protections of the city’s prime agricultural lands, environmentally sensitive habitat areas, and scenic views. It also includes new policies designed to prevent future armoring of the shoreline, especially important in light of sea level rise.

Now, developers are asking for changes in the LUP that could allow a 212-unit luxury hotel/conference center and a 171-space RV Park on 47 acres at Surf Beach/Dunes Beach Planned Development Area. Sprawling development of this iconic open space would block scenic coastal views, pave over prime farmlands, eliminate equestrian facilities, impact wildlife habitats, and exacerbate already unacceptable traffic problems on Highway 1.

Why This is Important

The Surf Beach/Dunes Beach Planned Development Area has remained undeveloped over the years due to fragmented ownerships and lack of streets, water, and sewer services. Updated maps of California’s coastal tsunami hazards show the entire 47 acres within the projected tsunami inundation area. There is overwhelming public opposition to development of this property; in just six weeks Green Foothills and local citizens gathered 4,860 signatures opposing development at Surf/Dunes Beach. The developers should work with the Coastside Land Trust to permanently protect this treasured landscape.

What You Can Do

By 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 9, send an email to the California Coastal Commission, asking them to not approve changes to the Half Moon Bay Land Use Plan that could allow the proposed luxury hotel/conference center and luxury RV park at Surf/Dunes Beach.

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