Tag: agriculture

Ask Supervisors to Uphold $5 Million Promise for Farmland Preservation

Ask Supervisors to Uphold $5 Million Promise for Farmland Preservation

On Tuesday, June 2, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors will consider whether to fulfill their commitment to fund nearly $5 million for farmland preservation. There are negotiations with local farmers for agricultural conservation easements that are dependent on this funding being approved by the Board of Supervisors. If they do not take action,...

Supervisors Support Funding Preservation of 12,000 Farmland Acres

Supervisors Support Funding Preservation of 12,000 Farmland Acres

On Tuesday, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to strengthen the protection and viability of agriculture in the County, including allocating up to $20 million annually (if available) from the year-end General Fund balance to acquire agricultural conservation easements. Please email the Supervisors to thank them for acting to preserve farmland in...

A Big Win: Morgan Hill Annexation Denied

A Big Win: Morgan Hill Annexation Denied

After a four hour hearing on Wednesday, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) voted 4 to 3 to deny the City of Morgan Hill’s request to annex 66 acres of farmland in the Southeast Quadrant (SEQ) for development. Thank you to all those who sent letters or made public comment at the hearing. Please join...

Speak up for Smart Growth in Gilroy

Speak up for Smart Growth in Gilroy

Gilroy City Councilmembers need to hear from you about the location of the High Speed Rail (HSR) station in Gilroy. Please tell the Council to keep the station downtown, not put it out in the open space of the Agricultural Preserve.   What You Can Do Join me and members of Gilroy Growing Smarter at...

Photo by Derek Neumann

Do you ♥ Coyote Valley?

Nestled between the Santa Cruz Mountains and the Diablo Range in south San Jose, Coyote Valley filters our water, cleans our air, and provides habitat and a pathway for wildlife. Unfortunately, Coyote Valley is under threat of industrial development. Learn more about what is being proposed on the Coyote Valley project page. Show some love...

Update on Coyote Valley Distribution Center

Update on Coyote Valley Distribution Center

Speak up for wildlife and farmland in Coyote Valley! The City of San Jose has announced that it will be scheduling a community meeting for the public to learn about, and give feedback on, a proposed warehouse and distribution center in North Coyote Valley. We will send out email alerts when the time and place...

Advocate Julie Hutcheson in the News: Opposing the SEQ

Advocate Julie Hutcheson in the News: Opposing the SEQ

Committee for Green Foothills’ Advocate Julie Hutcheson was recently interviewed for an article in Morgan Hill Life, Q&A with Julie Hutcheson: Opponents criticize city’s goal to annex 215 acres in Southeast Quadrant (2/3/2016). In the Q&A, Julie explains our position on the city’s plans for the Southeast Quadrant (SEQ), why it won’t preserve ag land...

Farmland Preservation in Santa Clara Valley Needed Now

Farmland Preservation in Santa Clara Valley Needed Now

If it’s prime [farmland] and especially if it’s got water, it’s taken. – Pete Aiello, President, Santa Clara County Farm Bureau Pete Aiello’s words spoken at the Agricultural Summit in September underlined the serious need for farmland preservation in Santa Clara County.  The Summit was organized by American Farmland Trust, Committee for Green Foothills, and...


Plan for SEQ Ignores Myriad of Significant Impacts

By Julie Hutcheson Responses to the long awaited Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for Morgan Hill’s Southeast Quadrant (SEQ) Plan expose what Committee for Green Foothills has been saying all along – the plan is indefensible. Our 20-page comment letter is one of many pointing out the major flaws in the City of Morgan Hill’s EIR...


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