Tag: Coyote Valley

Coyote Valley

Please Support the Coyote Valley Climate Change Overlay Zone and Development Moratorium

On Tuesday, February 9, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors will consider a Climate Change Overlay Zone and development moratorium for Coyote Valley. Please email the Supervisors and ask them to support these important environmental protections in Coyote Valley! Coyote Valley Still Threatened by Development We’ve made great strides towards protecting Coyote Valley lately....

Coyote Valley Victory: Persistence Pays Off

Coyote Valley Victory: Persistence Pays Off

At the press conference in front of San Jose City Hall, Committee for Green Foothills’ Executive Director Megan Fluke – flanked by San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, Peninsula Open Space Trust President Walter Moore; and Councilmember Sergio Jimenez – spoke on behalf of the environmental community on the historic land acquisition in Coyote Valley. On...

A Historic Victory For Coyote Valley

A Historic Victory For Coyote Valley

Photo by Ronald Horii I’m excited to announce a major victory in the 40+ year effort to protect Coyote Valley. With a historic vote by the San Jose City Council on Wednesday, over 900 acres of land in North Coyote Valley will be permanently protected from development. We have reached this momentous occasion because of...

People Who Give Us Hope – Carolyn Tognetti

People Who Give Us Hope – Carolyn Tognetti

Carolyn Tognetti has been a true champion of southern Santa Clara County’s environment for decades. A native of Gilroy, Carolyn became involved in city land use issues with a local group called Citizens for Balanced Growth in the late 1980s and has remained a core member as it transformed into Save Open Space Gilroy in...

AB 948 signed by Governor Newsom

AB 948 signed by Governor Newsom

Photo Credit: Jim Gensheimer/Bay Area News Group Great news! The campaign to protect Coyote Valley got a big boost last month when Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB 948, creating the Coyote Valley Conservation Program. “What Coyote Valley offers is irreplaceable: vibrant wetlands, an essential wildlife habitat and migratory area, active farmlands, a resource to fight...

Re-envisioning Coyote Valley in General Plan Review

Re-envisioning Coyote Valley in General Plan Review

Great news! On June 11, the San Jose City Council voted to include discussion about the long-term future of Coyote Valley in the upcoming General Plan 4-Year Review. Thanks to everyone who sent emails or came to the City Council meeting — and thanks to the entire City Council for the unanimous vote, and especially...

Tell the City Council to Protect Coyote Valley!

Tell the City Council to Protect Coyote Valley!

On Tuesday, June 11, the San Jose City Council will be considering the scope of the General Plan 4-Year Review. Please tell the City Council to include protection of Coyote Valley in the scope. What’s Happening Every 4 years, San Jose reviews the General Plan and considers possible revisions. Much has changed at both the...


We’re pleased to announce the release of our 2018 Annual Report. We celebrated many victories for nature in 2018, from defeating Measure B and passing Measure C in San Jose, to advocating for restorable wetlands along the Bay, to mobilizing Half Moon Bay citizens to protect the coast from hotel development. Watch some of the...

Ask San Jose to Protect Coyote Valley!

Ask San Jose to Protect Coyote Valley!

Calling all those who love Coyote Valley — the moment is here! On Tuesday, February 12, the San Jose City Council will be considering how to allocate the funding from Measure T, including up to $50 million for land acquisition to improve flood protections and water quality in Coyote Valley. Please email the City Council...


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