Tag: Helen Wolter

Burlingame Shoreline Park Petition

Burlingame Shoreline Park Petition

Speak up to preserve this unique publicly owned 9-acre bayfront site as a nature park that would improve public access to the Bay, restore wildlife habitat, and create a more flood resilient shoreline.  The State Lands Commission will decide between a nature park for the public or a hotel. There are already 14 hotels nearby...

Protect Habitat and Bay Access in Burlingame

Protect Habitat and Bay Access in Burlingame

Our State Lands Commission is considering the best uses for an undeveloped 9-acre property along the Burlingame Bayfront under the public trust doctrine. What You Can Do We need you to submit your comments to the State Lands Commission by Friday, April 6 asking for improved public access, habitat restoration, and resilient design in the...

Helen’s LTE on Offshore Oil Drilling

Helen’s LTE on Offshore Oil Drilling

Editor, Thank you for the recent op-ed, “Expanded offshore drilling terrible for state,” from Supervisors Don Horsley and David Canepa (in the Jan. 24 edition of the Daily Journal) on the county ban on all offshore oil and gas drilling, fracking and other well stimulation in federal and state waters off of San Mateo County...

Meet Helen, Your New Advocate

Meet Helen, Your New Advocate

Hi Friends, I’m Helen, your newest Committee for Green Foothills advocate. I am thrilled to be working with Lennie Roberts and Alice Kaufman on our efforts to protect local open space in San Mateo County. One of the issues I’m most passionate about is protecting the Bay from development. Public access, wildlife habitat, and sea-level...


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