Tag: Santa Clara County

Supervisors Request Options to Fund Farmland Preservation

Supervisors Request Options to Fund Farmland Preservation

On May 7, we asked you to speak up for farmland preservation by asking the Board of Supervisors to allocate money to help protect local farmland at risk of sprawl. Thank you to the 249 people who emailed the Board! We’re pleased to say that progress was made, and your emails mattered. During the budget workshop,...


We’re pleased to announce the release of our 2018 Annual Report. We celebrated many victories for nature in 2018, from defeating Measure B and passing Measure C in San Jose, to advocating for restorable wetlands along the Bay, to mobilizing Half Moon Bay citizens to protect the coast from hotel development. Watch some of the...

Update on Stanford Development Proposal

Update on Stanford Development Proposal

The saga of Stanford’s proposal to expand its campus continues. This week, the County of Santa Clara announced that it was suspending talks with Stanford over the Development Agreement. However, it’s important to note that the General Use Permit (GUP) process is still ongoing. This means that we can still expect the approval of potentially huge new...

County Recommends 99-Year Protection for Stanford Foothills

County Recommends 99-Year Protection for Stanford Foothills

Good news! Planning staff for Santa Clara County have recommended protecting the Stanford Foothills from development for 99 years, and requiring a supermajority vote from the County Supervisors to modify that protection. If the County ultimately approves this, it would extend the current protection from development, which expires in 2025, through the end of the...

Action Alert: Update on the SEQ

Action Alert: Update on the SEQ

What’s Happening On Wednesday February 6, the Morgan Hill City Council directed staff to postpone starting the process for development of city-owned property in the Southeast Quadrant until Council has had the opportunity to review and discuss the City’s plan for this area. Please email the City Council to thank them for deciding to reevaluate...

Ask San Jose to Protect Coyote Valley!

Ask San Jose to Protect Coyote Valley!

Calling all those who love Coyote Valley — the moment is here! On Tuesday, February 12, the San Jose City Council will be considering how to allocate the funding from Measure T, including up to $50 million for land acquisition to improve flood protections and water quality in Coyote Valley. Please email the City Council...

Supervisors Support Funding Preservation of 12,000 Farmland Acres

Supervisors Support Funding Preservation of 12,000 Farmland Acres

On Tuesday, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to strengthen the protection and viability of agriculture in the County, including allocating up to $20 million annually (if available) from the year-end General Fund balance to acquire agricultural conservation easements. Please email the Supervisors to thank them for acting to preserve farmland in...

Recap of the Rally for Coyote Valley

Recap of the Rally for Coyote Valley

Thank you to everyone who turned up for the first-ever rally for Coyote Valley last Tuesday. In the afternoon on January 22, over 200 people–San Jose activists and residents of all ages and backgrounds–joined us at City Hall. In a sea of “Protect Coyote Valley” signs and t-shirts, we came together to demand that funds...

Help Us Protect the Stanford Foothills

Help Us Protect the Stanford Foothills

Stanford University has begun negotiations with the County of Santa Clara for a Development Agreement on community benefits that could be required as part of future campus expansion. This creates an opportunity to achieve long-sought protection for more than 2,000 acres of open space known as the Stanford foothills. Please sign Committee for Green Foothills’...


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