Tag: SB 968

Speak Up for Access at Martin’s Beach by 12/18

Speak Up for Access at Martin’s Beach by 12/18

Please join me in speaking up for public access at Martin’s Beach by this Friday, December 18. On this date the State Lands Commission will be meeting in Sacramento to hear an update on negotiations with Vinod Khosla to reopen access. What You Can Do      Email the State Lands Commissioners ([email protected]) include “Item #124 – Martin’s Beach”...

Tell Governor Brown: Open Martin’s Beach!

Tell Governor Brown: Open Martin’s Beach!

Please join me and Committee for Green Foothills in the next action to restore access to Martin’s Beach, and urge Governor Brown to sign Senate Bill 968. SB 968, an important tool for restoring access, will become law if signed by the Governor. What You Can Do: Email Gov. Brown (complete the contact form through...

Photo by: Elizabeth Sarmiento

Senator Hill Proposes Legislation to Open Martin’s Beach

This past Monday, our Legislative Advocate, Lennie Roberts joined State Senator Jerry Hill along with San Mateo County Supervisor Don Horsley, members of the Surfrider Foundation, Martin’s 5, and Coastside residents- at a news conference announcing Hill’s legislation to reopen the public a road that leads to Martin’s Beach. Senator Hill’s legislation, Senate Bill 968,...


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