Tell Governor Brown: Open Martin’s Beach!

Tell Governor Brown: Open Martin’s Beach!

MB-New2Please join me and Committee for Green Foothills in the next action to restore access to Martin’s Beach, and urge Governor Brown to sign Senate Bill 968. SB 968, an important tool for restoring access, will become law if signed by the Governor.

What You Can Do:
Email Gov. Brown (complete the contact form through his website) or

Mail a letter to:
Governor Jerry Brown
c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814

I’ve included sample text for your letter at the end of this email.

What’s Happening:
In 2010 property owner Vinod Khosla blocked access to Martin’s Beach. Committee for Green Foothills and many others have been working to restore public access ever since. For more information on these efforts, please visit our Martin’s Beach page.

SB 968, which has already passed the legislature, would set forth a process and timeline for the State Lands Commission to negotiate with Khosla and acquire an easement or right-of-way to restore public access.

Why This Matters:
Martin’s beach is a gem of local open space on the San Mateo coast, and provides the community with numerable health and recreational benefits. Blocking access to this beach is a violation of the California State Constitution and Coastal Act, which guarantee the public’s right to access our entire coast.

I hope you will join us as we continue our efforts to restore access at Martin’s Beach.

Thanks for speaking up; your voice does make a difference!

Lennie Roberts
Legislative Advocate

Sample text for letter:

Dear Governor Brown,

I am writing to ask for your signature on SB 968, which would set forth a process and timeline for negotiating public access to the Martin’s Beach in San Mateo County.

[include note about why you love Martin’s Beach]

Martin’s Beach is a special place and a coastal resource that should not be kept from the public. I ask that you please sign SB 968 and protect public access and the rights of Californians.


[Your Name]

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