CGF comment on the Santa Cruz Mountains fire

(KQED had a radio program this morning about the Santa Cruz Mountains fires. We emailed in the following short comment – it didn’t get into the show, but I thought we should share it. -Brian)

I work for Committee for Green Foothills, an organization that along with others sponsored the Measure A environmental initiative in Santa Clara County in 2006 that would have reduced new development in hillside areas, specifically including the area in the County that is now on fire. Our initiative failed by less than one-half of one percent, due to a half-million dollars spent by outside Realtors’ groups from Southern California and from their national chapter.

We are continuing to work on measures to reduce sprawl, and these measures will decrease the chance of human-caused fires and the risk the fires will create. We hope that public support will make these efforts successful, and we welcome public input.

Brian Schmidt

Brian Schmidt
Legislative Advocate, Committee for Green Foothills

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