Letter from a CGF member about Coyote Valley

I really liked this email from CGF member (and CGF Board Member!) Jeff Segall sent to the City of San Jose on behalf of himself and his wife, so with his permission, it’s reproduced here.

Dear Members of the Coyote Valley Specific Plan Task Force,

I have great concerns that in some ill-considered haste to develop the Coyote Valley, the City of San Jose may be abandoning good planning principles put in place to insure that the development there does not come at the expense of the city’s finances and existing economic zones such as downtown and North First Street. Currently, there is a tremendous oversupply of commercial office/industrial space in San Jose, and in the entire area, and this oversupply has existed for years. It defies logic to believe that any new office/industrial development will not lead to even longer times for the oversupply of this space in downtown and North First to abate. This will directly negatively impact these vital areas.

More generally, it is not hard to read the April 28, 2005 memo, “CVSP Timing and Logistical Requirements Discussion” as an attempt to abandon sound planning principles in favor of the good old fashioned sprawl development. Phrases like “phasing by the willing”, “letting the market dictate”, “sub-regions are not required to have geographic continuity”, “the plan should allow General Plan budget triggers to be changed” are very troubling to anyone committed to careful land use planning.

In conclusion, I ask that the planners be directed to evaluate development needs citywide (particularly downtown and in the North First Street area) before committing to the development of Coyote Valley; and the city council should adhere to and strengthen the “development triggers” that are required by the General Plan, ensuring that development occurs first in central San Jose, that the City is fiscally ready for this development, and that the City actually needs this development.

Thank you for consideration of my comments.


Jeff and Meridith Segall

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